Configure the VPN for Linux (Gnome)

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Prerequisites for Ubuntu Gnome

  • Installed via the package manager openvpn network-manager-gnome (network management framework (OpenVPN plugin GNOME UI))

Quick Setup

  • Click on the icon Network Manager Gnome and select VPN Connections and then Configure VPN
  • Click Add and then select OpenVPN
  • Gateway: Server name listed in your welcome email or in Additional services (
  • Type: Password
  • Username and Password: Indicated in your manager. (the ones that you have entered on the order form).
  • CA certificate: Enter the path to the certificate (to download from the manager)
  • Then, click on Advanced and then check Use data compression LZO
  • Validate the configuration and close the window. Click again on the Network icon in Network Manager, VPN and VPN Connection