How play video from your manager

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Play video on your manager


  • If your service is a Bronze, Silver or Gold pack, please have a look at this page :
  • Files Manager 2.82

To play video online

  • Just select the file you want to watch, then in the right panel it will displayed.



  • It gives some informations, like the video name, when it has been uploaded and the type of the file.
  • If the player is not display, click on the icon representing an arrow in the blue taskbar at the right of your manager.
  • You can click the icon representing an arrow to open the the embedded player.

By clicking on the eye icon, a player opens outside of the manager.

  • You will be asked, with View/Edit icon from task bar,to open your file in the player or in a new tab.

  • Tip : If you get some issue to play your video online, you can use XBMC

Please have a look on this wiki : How to set up XBMC with your Seedbox