Transmission-Remote Windows

De Documentation officielle Seedbox
Révision datée du 19 janvier 2018 à 11:48 par Pascal (discussion | contributions)
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Download Transmission

  • Please follow this link to download this software.

  • After a quick download, the program is stored on your computer.
  • Unpack the archive as you usually do.

Configure Transmission-remote

  • Before using remote transmission, you must allow "outside access".
  • Go in "Plugins and Modules" thumbnail, allow external access by clicking on "ON" button

  • Then, from your software taskbar, click "Tools" and "Transmission-remote options" tab.
  1. Remote host is : your servername without HTTP or FTP before. (This information is available in your Welcome email received when you registered and in your manager.)
    1. Eg : or
    2. Replace example with your own server address.
  2. The port is your service HTTP port. It differs from FTP port. (This information is available in your Welcome email received when you registered and in your manager.)
  3. Use SSL must be "unchecked".
  4. The box "Authentication required" must be "CHECKED".
    1. Enter your username or login. (Use the login chosen on your order form).
    2. Enter your password. (Use the password you chose on your order form).
  5. Do not change the RPC path.
    1. If this box is empty, enter only: /Transmission/rpc
  6. Confirm your configuration by clicking "OK".

  • For any question, contact us via :
  1. Ticket support,
  2. Live Chat available from your manager.