Public tracker

De Documentation officielle Seedbox
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Public trackers (UDP)

  • Your Seedbox provides an option in the manager that enables the DHT and PEX .
  • If you use a public (UDP) tracker for exchanging data , DHT & PEX option MUST be enabled.
  • This option will allow you to exchange data with peers without the Seedbox don't need to be connected to a tracker.
  • However, it is strongly recommended to not enable this option if you use a private tracker ( a tracker that count ratio) .
  • In fact, in this case it may happen that some ratio will be lost because the data will not be sent to the tracker .

By default, DHT and PEX are disabled on all Seedbox . If you do not know if you have it enabled or not:

#Go to your manager, then click on " Transfers Manager"
#Click on the icon shaped key at the bottom left to view options .
#Click on the "Network" tab
#Finally, check that DHT and PEX are activated or not ,depending on your need.
  • To enable or disable permanently DHT and PEX in "Advanced configuration" thumbnails, it is essential to use selector.
  • If you just untick the box in the transfer interface , the next reboot option will be restored to its previous state.