VPN for Iphone

De Documentation officielle Seedbox
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  • From IOS 10, PPTP is no longer supported.
    • Please have a look to our webproxy

  • You only need your login details to configure your Vpn Iphone service .
  • These are available in your manager or in the email you have received when your service has been created

Access to the configuration

  • Visit settings parameters for your iPhone through the Settings icon.
  • Once in the settings, click General.

Image 1redwater.png

  • Then, click on Vpn.

(Here is indicated VPN status (connected or not).

Image 2redwater.png
  • To start configuring your Vpn, click Add VPN Configuration

Image (1)redwater.png
  • Then,


  • Choose PPTP
  1. Enter the name that you chose for your connection Vpn
  1. Enter your servername WITHOUT ftp or http
    1. Eg : front123.sdbx.co or pool456.seedbox.fr
  2. Enter your username chosen on your order form.
  3. Enter your password chosen on your order form.
  • Once all the data are entered, click on Save

(Do not change others specifications).

Your Vpn is now configured, we will activated it.