How to play music from manager

De Documentation officielle Seedbox
Révision datée du 26 mars 2015 à 15:01 par Pascal (discussion | contributions) (→‎Music)
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  1. If your service is a Bronze, Silver pack, please have a look at this page :
    1. Files Manager 2.82
  2. If your service is a Tera or Titanium pack, please have alook at this page :
    1. Tera and Titanium pack pack Files Manager


Play your music online.

  • From your manager,
  • Choose your music folder by selecting it.
  • On your manager central part,your music is display.

You can just click on the play button to play the song online.


  1. Toggle your file to a new panel
  2. Open your file in a new window.
  3. Give you informations about your file
  4. You can add tag.

If the player is not display, it means that the file format is not supported.