With your friends

De Documentation officielle Seedbox
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Use Nextcloud

Sharing function

  • With your manager, you can share files and folders.
  1. Select your files,
  2. Then, in the right column, click on "Share" icon.

Sharing data example

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  1. File or folder you want to share.
  2. Enter email address with whom you share data.
  3. Email address is display. If you tick "Can edit", you allow people to make change on folder. (Available only for folder).
  4. Tick "Share link"case to access to more option.
  5. Tick this case, in order that people will be able to add files in folder and make change.
  6. Tick this case to only allow upload files.
  7. Add a password.
  8. And an expiration date (after this date, your sharing will not be more available).