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Configure Transmission for Ubuntu

Download Transmission-Remote

Please follow this link to download this software.

Then, click on the right blue link, to retrieve it on your pc.

After a quick download, the program is stored on your computer.

Unpack the archive as you usually do.

Configure Transmission

  • Before using remote transmission, you must allow "outside access".
  • Go to your manager, then click on this icon : Accesetdhyt.png
  • Then, click the selector, the icon turn into purple

  1. Then, from your software taskbar, click "Tools" and "Transmission-remote options" tab.


  1. Remote host is : your servername without HTTP or FTP before.
    1. Eg :, replace example with your own server address.
  2. The port to use is your service HTTP port. It differs from FTP port.
    1. Use SSL must be "unchecked".
    2. The box "Authentication required" must be "CHECKED".
  3. Enter your username or login and your password.
  4. Do not change the RPC path.
    1. If this box is empty, enter only: /Transmission/rpc
  5. Confirm your configuration by clicking "OK".

For premium service ONLY


  1. Remote host is : your servername without HTTP or FTP before.
    1. Eg :, replace example with your own server address.
  2. The port to use is your service HTTP port. This one is available in "Plugins and Modules" thumbnail.
    1. Use SSL must be "CHECKED".
    2. The box "Authentication required" must be "CHECKED".
  3. Enter your username or login and your password.
  4. Change the RPC path.
    1. Enter only: /rpc
  5. Confirm your configuration by clicking "OK".

Use Transmission-Remote

Add a .torrent file into your transfer interface with Transmission-remote

To insert a .torrent file with transmission,

  1. Click on Browse,
  2. We invite you not to change default destination directory,
    1. If you want to store data in a personalized folder, you need to indicate in Download dir : /home/your_login/new_folder
  3. You can tick the box "Start torrent" for your .torrent file start automatically,
  4. Validate your add by clicking "OK".