
De Documentation officielle Seedbox
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To pay your invoice you have two options:


  • This is a manual payment for a full period.

At the end of the period of use, you will receive an email inviting you to renew the service. If you want to continue using the service, you simply pay this invoice. In case of cancellation, simply ignore this reminder, the Seedbox account will be automatically canceled.


  • This method uses the automatic payment. at the end of each subscribtion period the site will contact PayPal to make an automatic withdrawal.
  • does not debit a bank account or your paypal account.
  • performs automatic payments via PayPal only.
  • Automatic payments are to supply a pool of funds available to pay your bills.
  • If you cancel a Seedbox definitely, it is essential to cancel the automatic payement in your Paypal account (My Preferences / My preapproved payments).
  • Otherwise, PayPal will continue to make the payment. The money collected will be added to your balance (and will available to get a new service or to renew a current other one.
  • does not refund automatic payments.