Web Proxy for MacOSX

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Configure a proxy service for Mac OSX

Configure the proxy

Note : Display can change depending on MacOSX version used.

  1. Go to System Preferences tool from safari browser toolbar and access "Network"
  2. Click on "Advanced" tab, then click on the "Change Settings" button.
  3. Select Proxies tab.


  1. Select Web Proxy (HTTP) and fill the required fields.
  2. Your servername without any ftp or http,
    1. Eg : pool456.seedbox.fr
    2. Proxy port you want to use. Proxy port differs depending on the location chosen,
  3. Tick the box "Proxy server requieres password.
  4. Your username, (The one chosen on your order form)
  5. Your password. (The one chosen on your order form)

  • Remember to tickuse mod Passive FTP (PASV).
  • Then, click OK and then Apply.
  • All connections are now moving through your proxy.
  • Safari will automatically use system settings.