With Transmission-Remote

De Documentation officielle Seedbox
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Error 401

  • This error message means that there is an error in your login or password use.
  • Your login details are available from your manager, also in the welcome email that has been sent to you when you registered.
  • If you can't find this email, you can ask us to re-shipping it via support ticket

Error 403

  • It is necessary to enable external access directly from the manager.

  • Sign in to your manager and choose the package concerned,
  • then, in "Plugins and Module" activate "Seedbox remote access"
  • Confirm your choice by clicking on "Update"

Unwanted disconnections

  • This plugin provided as an additional connection, makes a connection between your PC and the seedbox.
  • However, if for one reason or another a micro break occurs, the plugin will display an error message on the screen.
  • The established connection is very sensitive to small cuts. That is, when a disconnection occurs, the seedbox is not affected and continue to works.
  • If you encounter this error, you can use directly your transfert interface.
  • You can also use plugins for your Chrome and Firefox browsers.