0.6 Beta transfers interface

De Documentation officielle Seedbox
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Edit your transfer interface version

  • For technical reasons or convenience, you can switch your current interface (2.82), to the old version (2.77).
  • Once, this change has been made, you must reload the page.
  • To change your interface version, go to your manager, then "Advanced setting"
  • Choose 2.77 version (simple), then validate your choice with Update.
  • A message informs you that the change been taken into account.
  • Interface change takes at most 10 minutes.


First interface connection

When you first login, your interface is empty


How to launch a .torrent file in your interface

  • From the task bar, click Add Torrent in order to open the dialog box transfer :


  • Click on Select. fichier then select the .torrent file that you want to start.
  • Finally, click on OK and the transfert will start.
  • In order to the transfer starts automatically, the box "Démarrage auto" must be ticked.

Initiate an URL transfer

  • From your transfert interface, click the icon Add torrent to open the dialog box transfer :

  • Copy before your link to the clipboard, then paste it into the field URL du torrent
  • Finally, click on OK and the transfer will start.
  • To make your file starts automatically, you must check the box "Démarrage auto"

Transfert interface taskbar

  • Your interface taskbar, allow you to make some changes for your service and your files:


  1. Allows you to add a file in your interface.
  2. Allows you to reload the transfer interface.
  3. Enable speed limits for your upload and download.
  4. Allows you to access the service seetings.
  5. Allows you to change the address and the announcement for your .torrent file.
  6. Start or resume downloading a paused file.
  7. Pause a file
  8. Delete a .torrent file from your transfert interface.
  9. Check the .torrent data .
  10. Request more peers for your file.
  11. You can define a specific location to save the data from your .torrent file.
  12. Manage the queue.
  13. Start all of your .torrent file.
  14. Pause all of your .torrent file

Manage your .torrent files from your transfer interface

  • You can through your transfert interface make some changes on your .torrent file.


  1. Start or resume a paused file.
  2. Set in pause a .torrent file
  3. Delete a .torrent file from your transfert interface.
  4. Check data for your .torrent file
  5. Request more peers for your .torrent file.
  6. You can define a specific location to save data.
  7. Manage the queue.
  8. Start all your .torrent files
  9. Pause all your .torrent files

Transfert interface menu

  • In order to facilitate browsing, you can find via this menu all information related to your files.


  1. Find all your files present in the interface.
  2. Find all your files currently being received.
  3. Find all your paused files.
  4. Find all your files currently being sent.
  5. Find all your files under verification.
  6. Find all your active files.
  7. Find all your files reciving an error.
  8. Find all files that receive an alert.
  9. Find all your files by tracker.
  10. Find all your transfer statistics.

Transfert statistics menu

  • Here, you can find all your transfer statistics


  1. Find, your statistics from begining.
  2. find, your statistics for your current session.

File detailled attribute

  • To access the detailed attributes of your files,
  1. Select your file
  2. Then, click on the icon Attribut.png located in your interface lower right corner.

Basic information

  • This window gives you principal information about your transfer.

Base attributredwater.png

  1. Your file name.
  2. The folder where are stored your data.
  3. The .torrent file status .
  4. Your file size.
  5. How many data are needed in order that your file will be complete.
  6. The download speed for your file.
  7. How many people are downloading this file (Leechers)
  8. The number in MB or GB of sent data.
  9. Informs you about transmission version used.
  10. List any comments about the file.
  11. Allows you to check the HASH file.
  12. Informs you about when this file has been added.
  13. The number in MB or GB of data already collected.
  14. The upload speed for your file.
  15. The number of people who shares this file (Seeders)
  16. Your ratio on this file.
  17. The creation date of the file.

Tracker Attribute

  • Here, you can find all tracker attribute.


  1. Gives tracker name and announce number.
  2. Gives torrent status. (1 mean that the torrent is active)
  3. Indicates if the .torrent file is available on tracker.
  4. How many times this file has been downloaded.
  5. Indicates if the download has been correctly done.
  6. When the filehas been announced on tracker.
  7. Lets you know if your file is responding correctly on tracker.
  8. Displays next file announcement on tracker.
  9. Allow you to reload tracker information.
  10. Lets you add a tracker for your file.
  11. Allow you to reload tracker information.
  12. Lets you remove a tracker.

  • Warning: Change or remove trackers address has to be used with caution.

File details attribute

  • Here, you can find all file details attributes


  1. Indicates file name.
  2. Indicates total file size.
  3. Indicates data retrieval progress in MB or GB.
  4. Indicates progress recovery percentage data.
  5. Indicates whether other peers want to recover the file.
  6. Indicates the priority given to this file.
  7. Allow you to refresh your window
  8. Allows your file to be shared again.
  9. Allows your file no longer be shared.
  10. Allows you to choose the priority given to your file.

Peers detail attribute


  1. Show peers ip adress
  2. Show what client is used
  3. Show peer flag
  4. Show file transfer progress
  5. Show client rate
  6. Show Peer transfer speed.